111R Industrial Applications
The Ultraphonic Detector, is a hand-held precision test device designed for industrial use. It can be used to detect leaks, mechanical malfunctions and certain electrical problems in a variety of operating systems.
Systems Steam Traps Steam Condensers Elevators / Escalators Vaccum Condensers Compressed Gas, Freon, Air Natural Gas Plumbing Humidity Control Electrical Systems Weather Stripping Hospitals / Ethylene Oxide |
The Ultraphonic Detector Model lllR is a unique item of diagnostic test equipment that has achieved outstanding results in reducing downtime and maintenance related costs. Through the detection of ultrasonic sound, the Ultraphonic Detector is used to inspect and check such items as air brake systems, bearings, gear trains, cam and tappet assemblies, internal combustion engine valving and piston blow-by, gaseous piping and ducting, seals in refrigerated van bodies, air ducts, hydraulic systems and many other components. |
Except for their frequencies, ultrasonic waves are exactly the same as their audible counterparts. Audible sound will propagate and compound itself through equipment making it difficult to locate the source even with a stethoscope. Because ultrasonic waves are not as penetrating as those of lower audible frequencies, it is much easier to pinpoint the source of the sound and there is usually much less noise interference. Conversation and most background noises are normally absent. Extremely minute sounds can therefore be detected, analyzed, and exactly located. |
The Ultraphonic Detector system consists of an ultrasound receiver; ultrasound transmitter; probe attachments and headphones. The receiver is sensitive only to ultrasonic energy in the frequency range of 36,000 to 44,000 Hertz. The energy is amplified by the self-contained circuitry and converted either to sounds, which can be heard through headphones, or readings on an LED display. The ultrasonic transmitter is used with the receiver to check for faulty seals in cabs or trailers, or other non-pressured enclosures. |
Copyright The Company | 2012